Sober Life
I’ve been sober since May 11, 2004 and its been an amazing journey – one that I never could have even dreamed of. My 2nd DUI is what got me sober and believe me, I didn’t walk into an AA meeting wanting to get sober; I walked in scared and angry and had no frame of reference for what my journey into sobriety would look like. Today I’m grateful that I get to live each day clean and sober as I never thought living one day without my two favorite things – drugs and alcohol – would give me a life full of everything I’d been searching for. I hope you stay and read some of my Sober Life on here and thanks for visiting – don’t forget to sign up to receive my blog articles.
Blog Info
My blog is to bring awareness to others about alcoholism, addiction, and recovery. I started my blog years ago and in early 2015 I decided to start blogging more as I stumbled into an amazing online recovery community where I discovered some very cool and hip recovery resources and blogs that have now become a daily part of my recovery. Every month or so, I like to blog about my life; which usually includes; recovery, alcoholism, beach living, being sober in a non-sober world, hanging with my rescue Bailey – while also getting to share my recovery insights and whatever else is happening – it all comes from my heart and experiences. I really hope to hear from you as I want to hear your thoughts on all of it!
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